National & State


At its July 27th meeting, the NASW WI Board of Directors voted to change the bylaws to require an audit or Review each year.  This change was recommended by the NASW national office which stated that smaller NASW chapters like Wisconsin do not need a formal and expensive audit each year but could use a Review, which does examine the previous year’s financial statements.  The audit takes a more formal look at internal controls.  The board voted to require an audit at least every three years.  This publication is to inform the members of the proposed bylaws change.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email Marc Herstand at

Organization Web Sites

One of the great things about NASW-WI is our connection to other organizations.  These connections help the chapter stay informed about legislation and issues that are of interest to the social work profession, and in turn we can take action and hopefully create positive change to benefit our members and members of these organizations.