Call your State Representative and ask them to oppose Transgender Athlete Bills

Assembly Bills 195 and 196, and Senate Bills 322 and 323, the Transgender Athlete Bills, are extremely harmful towards transgender students, who face regular verbal and physical harassment and even assault. Transgender youth report high rates of suicide risk, bullying, depression, and concerns about safety. These bills will exacerbate these issues, cause an increased stigmatization of transgender youth and will be yet another message that they are unwanted by our society. These bills could also lead to cisgender girls and young women who excel at sports being accused of being transgender.

These bills is a very hurtful and destructive solution in search of a problem. The number of transgender youth who actually play sports is extremely low and there is no evidence whatsoever of any problem with transgender youth playing sports in high school or college.

Tell Your Legislator to Ban Conversion Therapy

Conversion therapy is a horrific and discredited practice that targets LGBTQ+ youth and attempts to change their sexuality and gender identities. No credible scientific study has found any evidence that conversion therapy works, and a recent survey done by the Trevor Project showed that youth who were forced to undergo conversion therapy attempted suicide at twice the rate of those who did not. 

The NASW, along with every mainstream medical and mental health organization, has denounced conversion therapy for decades, and yet it is still practiced to this day. 

At NASW Wisconsin, we are committed to ending this dangerous practice and saving the lives of LGBTQ+ youth within our state, but we need your help. Please contact your State Senator and State Representative by email and phone and ask them to sign as a cosponsor to LRB 2237/1 and LRB 0004/1. This bill would prohibit mental health care providers from engaging in conversion therapy for minors. 

Thank you for your help addressing this important issue! 

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