Fight the Conceal Carry Legislation!

Please contact your State Senator and State Representative and ask them to vote no on the conceal carry legislation, Assembly Bill 126 and Senate bills 90 and 93.  These bills are expected to come up for a vote in the State Assembly and State Senate in June.   You could also ask them to support changes to the bill recommended by NASW WI in our committee testimony found on this attachment  NASW WI TESTIMONY in opposition to conceal carry legislation May 2011 . If you do not know the name or contact information of your State Senator and State Representative, please go to , and click on Who Represents Me?    If you would like to help efforts to oppose the conceal carry legislation, please contact either Marc Herstand at the NASW WI office at  or by phone at 608-257-6334 or contact Heidi Rose or Jeri Bonavia at WAVE in Milwaukee at (414) 351-9283 or