NASW Wisconsin Calendar

WEBINAR: AI and Social Work Ethics

January 10th, 2024, Noon - 1 PM

NASWWI Chapter 0 1450 Article rating: 5.0

Presented by Frederic G. Reamer, PhD
Frederick Reamer

Description: Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly prevalent in social work. AI is being used to conduct client risk assessments, assist people in crisis, strengthen prevention efforts, identify systemic biases in the delivery of social services, provide social work education, and predict social worker burnout and service outcomes, among other uses. This webinar will examine cutting-edge ethical issues related to social workers’ use of AI; apply relevant ethical standards; and outline elements of a strategy for social workers’ ethical use of AI. Join Dr. Frederic Reamer as he examines ethical issues and risks related to informed consent and client autonomy; privacy and confidentiality; transparency; potential client misdiagnosis; client abandonment; client surveillance; plagiarism, dishonesty, fraud, and misrepresentation; algorithmic bias and unfairness; and use of evidence-based AI tools.  
Learning objectives: At the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to 

  • Identify ethical issues and challenges associated with the use of artificial intelligence in social work 
  • Apply social work ethics standards 
  • Develop ethics-informed policies and protocols to protect clients and social workers 


Member - $25
Member - Student or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35



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