NASW Wisconsin Calendar

WEBINAR: 4-Step Approach to Treating Co-Occurring Disorders

January 18th, 2024, Noon - 1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1073 Article rating: 5.0

Presented by Ted Izydor, LPC, CSAC, ICS, MBA
Ted Izydor

Ted Izydor, LPC, CSAC, ICS will go through the 4-Step Approach to Understanding and Treating Co-Occurring Disorders.  This approach provides a model for beginning and even veteran therapists/social workers to effectively assess, diagnose, decide and treat clients who are struggling with both mental health and addiction issues.  Ted Izydor will cover the key assessment and diagnosis components as well as how to conceptualize addiction/mental health issues using the 6 dimensions of ASAM and how to decide what type of treatment approach to use. 

6 Learning Objectives

Participants will understand and learn:

  1. The 4-steps to treating co-occurring disorders. 
  2. The key components of a biopsychosocial assessment for co-occurring disorders.
  3. The Big 5 substances to screen for.
  4. The 11 DSM-V-TR substance use disorder criteria and how to apply this criteria to substance use diagnosis. 
  5. The 6 ASAM dimensions related to co-occurring disorders and how to use them to assess high risk issues with co-occurring disorders.
  6. The 8 evidenced based treatment approaches to co-occurring disorders. 


Member - $25
Member - Student or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35


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«January 2024»

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