NASW Wisconsin Calendar

WEBINAR: Putting a Name to Silent Suffering: Treating Perinatal Mental Health

January 24th, 2024, Noon - 1PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 945 Article rating: No rating

Presented by Sheng Lee Yang, MSW, LCSW

Sheng Lee Yang

Perinatal mental health is a widespread issue, however, often overlooked and rarely discussed within the helping profession. The reality and experiences of new parents are disregarded with an expectation that having a baby is “the best time of your life,” so parents suffer in silence. Untreated perinatal mental health leads to psychiatric needs and shattered families; having generational impact. The purpose of this course is to draw attention to the relevance of perinatal mental health, recognize signs, symptoms and interventions, while, normalizing the matter. The workshop will address these issues through a combination of interactive dialogue, focused discussion, applied-practice exercises, and small group work.
Learning Objectives:

  1. Increase awareness of perinatal mental health, identify risk factors and who it impacts.
  2. Become familiar with true experiences of individuals facing perinatal mental health.
  3. Using the DSM-5-TR, identify and distinguish mental health disorders.
  4. Identify best practices in assessing and treating individuals experiencing perinatal mental health.


Member - $25
Member - Student or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35


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«January 2024»

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