NASW Wisconsin Calendar

WEBINAR: Ethics and Boundaries in Trauma Work: Unique Challenges and Opportunities Workshop

Presented by Debra Minsky-Kelly, MSW, LCSW

NASWWI Chapter 0 1159 Article rating: 1.0

Debra Minsky-Kelly

The subject of trauma is gaining more attention as a significant public health issue. Social workers and other mental health professionals are on the front lines of addressing the multitude of social ills that result from trauma exposure. This workshop examines the unique ethical questions raised by our work with trauma survivors. Participants will explore the adequacy of current definitions of trauma and ways our profession can address traumatizing effects of toxic stressors such as racism, poverty and other forms of oppression. The unique ethical and boundary questions raised by trauma work will be reviewed. This presentation will look at ethical issues of trauma work through a social justice lens.

4 Ethics and Boundaries CEH's


NOON HOUR WEBINAR: Current Changes and Challenges with Advance Directives, Guardianship and Abuse across the Nation

Presented by Kathy Intravaia, MS, BSW/CSW, CNC, MGV

NASWWI Chapter 0 1883 Article rating: 3.0

Over the past few years, Guardianship Abuse has been more prevalent in the news and media. From Netflix's "I Care a Lot" to Britney Spears story and recent documentary, and most recently, Wendy Williams battle, we are not short on challenges people are facing across the nation regarding self-determination. At the same time, Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, mental health challenges and additional precursors of incapacitation continue to increase for those we are serving. There has never been a time in history that this topic has been so important as today. Join us for this information packed session to learn about the importance of and options for Advance Directives, recent changes in Wisconsin Advance Directives and Guardian Training, and a lively problem-solving discussion on the status and issues surrounding guardianship abuse. 




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