NASW Wisconsin Calendar

How to Support Clients in COVID-19 Vaccine Decision Making (Workshop is Full)

April 13, 2023 from 9:00am - 3:00pm CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 994 Article rating: No rating

5 Free CEs | (Workshop is full)

This interactive training will introduce motivational interviewing (MI) and Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), and how these evidence-based modalities can be effectively deployed to help guide collaborative conversations with clients about COVID-19 vaccine decision-making.

MI is a collaborative conversation approach that develops and strengthens a client’s motivation for and commitment to change around health-related behavior(s). The MI framework recognizes the client as the expert in their own lived experience. Research on MI has demonstrated its benefits with marginalized populations who have not necessarily received equitable and affirming experiences in care and health settings. Topics will include the MI spirit and MI core skills to help clients resolve ambivalence towards positive change. The training will also introduce SBIRT, a five-step model for working with clients with substance use disorders which can be adapted for use in supporting vaccine decision making.

The training is provided through Connect to End COVID-19, an initiative of NASW, the NASW Foundation and the University of Texas at Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work, with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. For more information about this effort, visit NASW National Office's page.


  • Lloyd Berg, PhD – Associate Professor and Division Chief of Psychology, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Dell Medical School at The University of Texas at Austin
  • Leslie Sirrianni, LCSW-Senior Research Project and Training Coordinator; Health Behavior Research and Training Institute; The University of Texas at Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work

Note: The training will not be recorded. Space is limited so please do not register unless you can definitely attend.

NASW-WI March All Member Forum

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023 Noon - 1 PM Via Zoom

NASWWI Chapter 0 797 Article rating: No rating

NASW-WI’s Membership Forums are an opportunity for you, our members, to hear an update on NASW-WI activities and provide NASW-WI feedback on the most pressing issues or concerns in your practice. We want to hear from you!

NASW-WI Executive Director Marc Herstand will be at the forum to answer your questions and provide an update on NASW’s advocacy for the profession and on behalf of social justice issues. 

To participate at the forum, please REGISTER

NASW-WI February All Member Forum

Thursday, February 23rd, 2023 Noon-1 PM via Zoom

NASWWI Chapter 0 758 Article rating: No rating

NASW-WI’s Membership Forums are an opportunity for you, our members, to hear an update on NASW-WI activities and provide NASW-WI feedback on the most pressing issues or concerns in your practice. We want to hear from you!

NASW-WI Executive Director Marc Herstand will be at the forum to answer your questions and provide an update on NASW’s advocacy for the profession and on behalf of social justice issues. 




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