2021 Continuing Education Offerings

Event date: 7/18/2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Export event
NASWWI Chapter
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Trauma (Healing) Informed Care: What Does it Mean for Me?

July 18, 2024, 9am - 4:00 pm (1 hour break)

Presented by Melinda Marasch, LCSW Aspire Training & Consulting

This workshop provides a practical look at the best practice approaches of Healing (Trauma) Informed Care (HIC). Content will include SAMHSA’s 4 Rs of Trauma Informed Care, the effects of stress & trauma on professionals & participants, & the power of compassion. Practical approaches will be provided to help colleagues &/or participants discuss & manage their struggles, while minimizing triggers/feeling overwhelmed & making room for the topics & tasks required.
Learning Objectives
After completing this workshop, customers will be able to:

  • Identify SAMHSA’s 4 Rs of Trauma Informed Care
  • Better understand the ways stress & trauma might impact colleagues &/or myself.
  • Explain the power of Compassion
  • Apply at least 1 HIC approach to a participant scenario
  • Plan to utilize at least 1 HIC approach in your work with participants

Member - $150
Member who is a Student or Retired - $120 
Future Member - $210



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