2021 Continuing Education Offerings

WEBINAR: Relearning Griefwork: Forget the 5 Stages and use 5 Questions to Guide the Work

February 24th, 2024 Noon - 1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1484

Presented by Judith L.M. McCoyd, PhD, LCSW


Many social workers were trained to engage with griefwork using Kübler-Ross’ stages of dying, yet people came to apply them broadly to grief generally- a misapplication with problematic implications. Despite most grief theorists’ and researchers’ rejection of the stage approach, people continue to force a 5 stage model.   After explaining the problematic aspects of this, we will discuss an alternate approach that centers the grievers’ experience by asking questions rather than assuming standardized responses. Questions that help grievers reflect on areas that current grief theory identifies as important will be suggested as a better map for clinical work with people who are grieving.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Be able to differentiate the common phrase “five stages of grief” from Kübler-Ross’ original work.
  2. Describe some of the destructive and anti- social work aspects of applying stage theory to grief.
  3. Identify at least two newer grief theories that support a question-based intervention.


Member - $25
Member - Student or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35

WEBINAR: Did They Just Say That? Managing Microaggressions in Everyday Life!

February 29th, 2024 Noon - 1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1197

Brian Benford
Presented by Brian Benford, MSW

We’ve all been in situations when someone says or does something that feels hostile or offensive to some aspect of our identity — and the person doesn’t even realize it. These kinds of actions — insensitive statements, questions, or assumptions — are called “microaggressions,” and they can target many aspects of who we are.  Collectively, we will learn how to cope and heal from microaggressions and to prevent being a perpetrator of committing microaggressions.  
Learning Objectives 1. Create awareness surrounding the common occurrences of microaggresions. 2. Explore the outcomes associated with the experience of microaggressions. 3. Discover techniques to minimize the occurrence of microaggressions and ways to respond when someone has been microaggressive.


Member - $25
Member - Student or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35

Southeast Branch Networking Event

Thursday, September 14th 2023 From 5-7 p.m.@ Alverno College

NASWWI Chapter 0 600

NASW-WI Southeast Branch invites you to participate in a  networking event with light snacks. 

Thur. l Sept. 14 l 5- 7 p.m. l Alverno College Campus Center in the Galleria 

3400 S 43rd St, Milwaukee, WI 53219

BSW/MSW Exam Prep In-Person Only

October 27th, 10:30 a.m. -12:00pm

NASWWI Chapter 0 1404

BSW/MSW Exam Preparation In Person Only 

Friday, October 27, 10:30 a.m.-12:00 pm, In-Person Only

0.0 Continuing Education Hours

Presented by Katherine Drechsler, DSW, LCSW-SA, Emily Green, MSW, CAPSW

This workshop will provide strategies for social workers in preparing for the ASWB national exam for the Wisconsin BSW or MSW level social work certifications/licensures including the CSW, CAPSW, and the LCSW. Attendees will develop a study plan that will include information about the ASWB exam, study strategies for success including study strategies for different types of learners, strategies to manage test anxiety, tips for answering test questions, and a review of the content on the exam.



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