2021 Continuing Education Offerings

WEBINAR: Breathing and Blinking: An Intersection of PTSD and TBI

February 27th, 2024, Noon - 1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1222

Presented by Nancy Mullen, MSW   1 CEH

This presentation explores the challenge of differential diagnosis and support for clients living with co-existing post-traumatic stress disorder and post-concussion syndrome. Although addressing concussive issues is gathering increasing attention, concussions remain both undiagnosed and underdiagnosed, despite how common they are, across all political, religious and cultural groups. The presentation addresses the need for social workers to spearhead including assessment for mTBI routinely, especially within the domestic violence field, in elder care, and with young people active in sports. The under-diagnosis or missed diagnosis of concussion complicates treatment of mental health issues, which can be misunderstood as client resistance or disinterest. Undiagnosed post- concussive issues can hinder a client's progress in moving forward with recovery or even contribute to recidivism rates. In more serious cases, post-concussive issues may impede on activities of daily living for months and sometimes years. Breathing and Blinking draws upon research from the leading trauma experts, Bruce D. Perry, Bessel van der Kolk, and Nadine Burke Harris and includes occasional references to the presenter’s lived experience in concussion and concussion care. Social workers who are aware of the complications and can identify the co-existing symptoms will be more effective in getting their clients to appropriate care. As a profession, social workers are uniquely positioned to begin looking for the longer term effects of concussion, in school settings, residential settings, and clinical settings with clients who are also trauma survivors in order to advocate for care beyond the traditional passive treatment recommendations.
Attendees of this presentation will:

  1. Review the effect of trauma on cognitive development
  2. Increase knowledge of the overlap of PTSD and TBI symptoms
  3. Increase knowledge of treatment complications for co-existing PTSD and TBI
  4. Explore overview of neurofeedback as treatment option for clients with TBI or PTSD and TBI



Member - $25
Member - Student or Retired - $20
Non Member - $35

WEBINAR: How COVID Changed How We Address Homelessness

January 29th, 2024, Noon - 1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1053

Presented by Emily Kenney, LCSW

In 2020, the world was sent into an unprecedented crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the recognition of the economic downturn and personal crisis that many people were experiencing, the federal government invested in basic needs support. Because of the investment in rental assistance and other housing dollars, local communities were able to create different solutions to homelessness. This session will cover innovative strategies used around the state with COVID housing dollars, the impact of those funds, and what’s next for communities now that this additional funding has ended

3 Objectives:

  1. To understand the homeless service delivery system in the United States.
  2. To discuss implications of policy decisions during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
  3. To learn some basic advocacy points for addressing homelessness as social workers.



Member - $25
Member - Student or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35

WEBINAR: Mandated Supporting: An Anti-racist response to over surveillance by Mandated Reporters

January 22nd, 2024, Noon - 1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1865

Presented by Julie Ahnen, DCDHS CPS and Laura Becher, DCDHS CPS and Sue De Buhr, MSW

Beliefs about acceptable parenting practices and mandatory reporting to Child Protective Services have been ingrained in the minds of mandatory reporters for decades. We know that implicit bias impacts a person’s judgement and decision-making in multiple arenas and mandatory reporting is no exception. Dane County Child Protective Services has taken a deep dive into the history of mandatory reporting and the laws that govern this requirement in Wisconsin. We invite you to learn more about our journey and the steps we have taken to challenge mandated reporters to rethink their motivation around calling Child Protective Services. Discover what it means to become a mandated supporter of families.


Member - $25
Member - Sturendt or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35

WEBINAR: MSW/BSW Exam Preparation

April 11th, 2024, 5 PM- 7PM

NASWWI Chapter 0 1241

Presented by Katherine Drechsler, DSW, LCSW-SA, SSW(she/her) and Emily Green, MSW, CAPSW, SAC-IT (she/her)

Katherine Drechsler Emily Green

This workshop will assist social work students in preparing for the Wisconsin BSW or MSW level social work certification/licensure exam including CSW, CAPSW and LCSW. It will include a review of the types of social work content covered on the exam, test taking skills and hands-on practice.

Members - Free
Non-Members - $70


E&B WEBINAR: Ethics, Boundaries, and Technology in a Post-Covid World

May 22nd, 2024, 9 AM - 1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 2058

Presented by Debra Minsky-Kelly, MSW, LCSW
Debra Minsky Kelly

Workshop summary: The effects of technology on social work practice since the onset of the pandemic have been enormous. Out of necessity, many providers rushed to adopt technology-assisted practices in an effort to continue to provide care to those in need. What have we learned from these practice changes? Are the 2018 changes to the Social Work Code of Ethics adequate to address modern practice challenges? This workshop will explore these critical questions and will also examine some of the specific boundary-related issues that arise in technology-assisted practice. In addition, as the evidence mounts regarding the harmful effects of technology on mental health, relationships, and community wellbeing, we will ask critical questions regarding the role of our profession in addressing these concerns.


Members - $85
Members - Student or Retired - $65
Non-Members - $115


Theme picker