2021 Continuing Education Offerings

Challenges as an Immigrant or Child of Immigrants

Nov. 17 from 12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. via Zoom

NASWWI Chapter 0 941

All social worker students and practitioners are invited to join in a conversation about the challenges of immigrants or children of immigrants. This program is part of the NASW-WI BIPOC Leadership Program and is presented by NASW-WI DEI Committee.

Presenter: Gabriela Diéguez, MSW LCSW

Please Register

WEBINAR: Advancing Active Social Justice Allyship in Social Work Through Social Empathy and Political Engagement

February 7th, 2024, Noon - 1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1323

Presented by Elizabeth Kiehne, PhD, MSW + Quinn Hafen, MSW
Elizabeth Kiehne Quinn Hafen
The preamble to the NASW Code of Ethics states, “Social workers are sensitive to cultural and ethnic diversity and strive to end discrimination, oppression, poverty, and other forms of social injustice” (NASW, 2021, para. 2). In order to meet these ideals, social workers must have not only interpersonal empathy but social empathy. This webinar will unpack what social empathy is, why social empathy is critical in social work, and how we can build our own social empathy. Particular attention in this webinar will be given to how social workers with socially advantaged identities, and especially white-identifying social workers, can cultivate social empathy to promote a practice of allyship that is authentic, critically self-reflective, and action-rooted. Participants will leave with concrete examples of what social empathy in action looks like; how to engage in accountable and mindful allyship behaviors; and strategies social workers can use to align our actions with our intentions. Continued learning resources will be provided to support social workers on their life-long journeys toward greater anti-oppressiveness. The webinar draws on findings from a recent study published in Social Work Research entitled, “Advancing Active Allyship for Social Justice: Cross-Group Friendships, Social Empathy, and Political Engagement” (Kiehne & Hafen, 2022).


Member - $25
Member - Sturendt or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35

WEBINAR: Emotions after Abortions

January 30th, 2024 Noon - 1PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1157

Presented by Rachel L. Dyer, M.S
Rachel Dyer

This webinar will bust myths and explore the science behind emotions after abortion, as well as explore participants’ personal values surrounding abortion.


  • Identify your personal abortion-related values and how they may impact your clinical work.
  • Define the difference between mental health (problems) and (negative) emotions.
  • Explain what scientific evidence suggests about the relationship between abortions and emotions.


Member - $25
Member - Student or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35


WEBINAR: Antiracist and Trauma-Informed: Enhancing Social and Emotional Learning to Build Resilience

January 26th, 2024, Noon-1 PM CST

NASWWI Chapter 0 1049

Presented by Sara Kotzin, LCSW, DSW

Social workers play a vital role in addressing children’s social and emotional reactions to trauma.
We can facilitate trauma-informed, antiracist interventions in our work with children and with
adults, to ensure we are building safe environments essential for healthy development. This
presentation will illustrate the need for an intersectional approach to social and emotional
teaching that actively addresses racism and trauma. It will introduce elements of The Body’s
Story, a play-based classroom intervention developed by the presenter, that centers somatic
awareness in teachings of emotions and integrates play and storytelling with a goal of enhancing
internal and external resilience.

Member - $35
Menter - Student or Retired - $20
Non-Member - $35

E&B WEBINAR: Ethics and Boundaries for In-Home Services

June 7th, 2024 9AM - 1PM

NASWWI Chapter 0 1781

Presented by Jeanne Wagner, MSW, LCSW, ACSW

Jeanne Wagner
Statement of Rationale:
The management of ethics, boundaries and confidentiality is especially challenging for human service professionals who provide services in the client’s living environment including the client’s home, residential programs, emergency shelters, transitional living centers, skilled care facilities, assisted and supported living centers, and Hospice facilities. This workshop will address the unique issues encountered during the provision of these in-home services and will provide a framework for ethical decision-making. 
Learning Goals:
Participants will learn:

  • new ways to address boundary issues 
  • how to avoid the potential for dual-relationships
  • ethical decision-making processes and best practice models to identify and address complicated scenarios in programs providing in-home services.
  • to identify the range of ethical dilemmas and professional boundaries with the use of technology and social media 
  • models for the ethical decision making process
  • identify new age risks that may affect professional liability
  • the importance of using the NASW Ethics audit in programs that cover both client services and personnel management  


Member - $85
Member - Student or Retired - $65
Non-Member - $115


Theme picker