Student Resources

a picture of a group of people sitting together

NASW WI is the largest organization of professional social workers in Wisconsin, and we provide a variety of products, services, and opportunities. NASW’s primary functions include promoting the professional development of its members, establishing and maintaining professional standards of practice, advancing sound social policies, and providing services that protect its members and enhance their professional status.

Student members receive these full benefits at a 75% savings! NASW is your best connection to the ideas, information, resources, and people that will help you achieve your full potential as a student and as a future social work professional.

View details on the  benefits of student and transitional membership .

After graduation, NASW continues to help subsidize dues for student members. If you maintain continuous membership, you will be able to take advantage of the transitional category of membership after graduation.  Visit NASW National for more information   and to  Join NASW.

NASW-WI Student Ambassador Program 

Program Purpose:  To provide leadership training to NASW-WI student members who will represent NASW-WI at their social work program and promote NASW-WI membership and advocacy efforts. 

To Learn More, Visit our Student Ambassador Webpage.


Program Purpose: To provide an opportunity for BIPOC social work students to become members of NASW-WI, learn leadership skills, have a mentor, and begin taking leadership roles within NASW-WI. To increase diversity in NASW-WI’s membership, up to ten BIPOC students will have their NASW membership paid for one year. NASW-WI is the state chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. 

To Learn More, Visit Our BIPOC Student Leadership Webpage

NASW-WI Student Events: 

NASW Student Series: We Are All Macro Social Workers

September 19th, 2024 (Live, Virtual)

Do you want to get more involved in advocacy efforts, but worry that you don’t have the time? Curious about leadership opportunities, but are not sure where to start? Being a board member, serving on a legislative committee, and contacting your legislators are exciting experiences that take less time than you may think. This student series event will break down some of the barriers to macro level careers and volunteer opportunities. Come share your experiences and learn from longtime NASW volunteer and elected leader, Kristi Wood, MSW, CAPSW, about her journey and advice to the next generation of social workers. Free for all to attend!

Presented by Kristi Wood, MSW, CAPSW (She/Her/Hers) 
Lecturer II, Faculty Field Liaison Social Work Department, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Price: Free REGISTER

Advocacy Day 2025 Roll Out

October 14th, from Noon - 1 PM Via Zoom

This event will provide a preview of Advocacy Day, occurring on April 9th, 2024. It will review the topics being discussed and provide a breakdown of the day. Presented by NASW-WI Interns & Executive Director Marc Herstand (He/Him/His)

To Participate, please REGISTER.

BSW/MSW Exam Prep In-Person Only

October 21st, from 1:15 p.m.-4:15 pm, Crowne Plaza Milwaukee South

0.0 Continuing Education Hours

Presented by Katherine Drechsler, DSW, LCSW-SA, Emily Green, MSW, CAPSW

This workshop will assist social workers in preparing for the National Association of Social Work Board (ASWB) examination required for the Wisconsin Bachelor of Social Work Certified Social Worker and the Master of Social Work Certified Advanced Practice Social Worker and Licensed Clinical Social Worker licenses. The training will include an overview of the exam, how understanding your learning styles, managing text anxiety, developing studying skills, developing strategies for answering the questions and developing a study plan will support your planning, studying, and successfully passing the exam.

Registration Closes September 23rd 


Register Between July 1st - August 12th, 2024
Future Members: $105.00 

Register Between August 13th - September 23rd, 2024
Members: Free 
Future Members: $115.00 

To Participate, please REGISTER.

Ethics & Boundaries as a Social Work Student: How to Handle Sticky Situation

December 19th, 2024 (Live, Virtual)

Presented by Debra Minsky-Kelly, LCSW (She/Her/Hers) 

Director, Field Education; Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work

Carthage College

Social work students face many ethical dilemmas, from complex supervisor-supervisee relationships to understanding client needs to balancing time spent in school, work, and during internships. This workshop will discuss how the NASW Code of Ethics is connected to the social work student experience and provide the tools and resources to navigate difficult situations.

Price: Free